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What is PMV Pharma’s official name?

PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Where is PMV Pharma’s corporate headquarters?

Our corporate headquarters is in Princeton, New Jersey.

When was PMV Pharma incorporated?

PMV Pharma was incorporated in 2013.

When did PMV Pharma go public?

PMV Pharma went public on September 25, 2020.

On which exchange is the Company traded and what is its ticker symbol?

PMV Pharma is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market with the stock symbol PMVP.

When does PMV Pharma’s fiscal year end?

December 31st.

When does the Company expect to pay dividends?

PMV Pharma does not anticipate issuing dividends on its stock in the foreseeable future.

Who are PMV Pharma independent auditors?

PMV Pharma’s independent auditors are Ernst & Young LLP.

Who is PMV Pharma’s corporate counsel?

PMV Pharma’s outside legal counsel is Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati.

Where can I find more information or materials about PMV Pharma?
Where can I find documents PMV Pharma has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including its Prospectus and Annual and Interim Reports?

Our SEC filings are listed on the SEC’s website, www.sec.gov. You may find this information on our investor relations website at www.pmvpharma.com, under ‘financials and filings’.

Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Who is PMV Pharma’s transfer agent?

PMV Pharma's transfer agent is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST).

What is PMV Pharma’s CUSIP number?

PMV Pharma’s CUSIP number is 69353Y 103.